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My Food Advisor: Recipes for Healthy Living

spaghetti squash

Energize With Fall Foods

Spaghetti Squash with Pine Nuts and Sage
With 10 grams of carb per cup, spaghetti squash can be a low-carb swap for regular pasta.

Classic Hummus
You can make your own tasty hummus for a snack at home with a few simple ingredients.

Chopped Salad with Cilantro Lime Dressing
This simple salad is colorful and makes a great light lunch or side dish at dinner time.

Food and Meal Planning This October

chopped salad

One-Day Meal Plan
Keep your meals light and healthy this fall with these tasty recipe and
snack ideas!

See Meal Plan >>

halloween treats

Video: Halloween Treats!
Trick or Treat! Here are some fun, festive treat ideas with a healthy twist.

View Video >>

healthy snacks

Revamp Your Snacks
Find tips to keep portions under control, plus healthy swaps to make your snacks more nutritious.


Eat More Mindfully

Do you eat so quickly that you usually end up stuffing yourself? Or do you tend to eat in front of the TV, and before you know it, your meal is gone? If either of these situations sounds familiar, you are not alone.

Food is a central part of our lives, and some research has found that that we make more than 200 food-related decisions every day. There are countless restaurants and options at the grocery store now. We see food on the television, in advertisements, at the office and at the store. With all of these triggers telling us to eat, it’s easy to forget the true reason that we need food: to nourish our bodies and provide us with energy. If you have trouble controlling cravings or overeating, it may help to work on being more mindful when you eat.



Budget-Friendly Recipes

Looking for recipes that are easy on the budget? We add new budget-friendly recipes every month that will feed a family of 4 for 10 dollars or less. Check out this month’s affordable options, which include Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie, Roasted Beet and Chicken Salad with Goat Cheese, and Mediterranean Lentil Soup.

See Recipes >>



veggie shepherds pie

Featured Cookbook: The Diabetes Comfort Food Cookbook

This month’s featured recipes will give you a taste of The Diabetes Comfort Food Cookbook by Robyn Webb. Sprinkled with helpful tips and time-saving advice, this cookbook makes classic comfort foods more diabetes-friendly and easy to prepare.

Learn More >>



Diabetes Comfort Food Cookbook

Take Your Next Step Toward Healthy Living!

Stay motivated and keep moving toward a healthier you by signing up for Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes®. While you’re keeping physically fit, you’ll join with a community seeking to support those with diabetes through fitness, fundraising and fun.

Walkers with type 1, type 2 or gestational diabetes are Red Striders® and receive VIP treatment at the event. Red Striders are why we walk!

Learn more and sign up today >>


Red Striders

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Top Photo: Spaghetti Squash with Pine Nuts and Sage from The Diabetes Comfort Food Cookbook. Photographer: Renee Comet.

Meal Plan Photo: Chopped Salad with Cilantro Lime Dressing from The Diabetes Comfort Food Cookbook. Photographer: Renee Comet.

Budget-Friendly Photo: Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie. PNC Photography, Photographer: Peter Papoulakos.

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