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Protect Medicaid and Medicare

Ask your Members of Congress to protect the Medicaid and Medicare programs that millions depend on for their vital health care needs!

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Dear Diabetes Advocate,

Millions of Americans with diabetes – including children, pregnant women, low-income parents, seniors, and people with severe complications – rely on Medicaid and Medicare for their vital health care needs. But these critical programs are at risk of being slashed.

Urge Congress not to balance the nation's budget on the backs of Americans with diabetes!

Members of Congress just canceled their trips back to their home districts in an effort to decide what to cut as part of a deficit reduction package. Some of the proposals they're considering include massive cuts to Medicaid and Medicare or structural changes that would leave millions who rely on these programs for their diabetes care and medications at increased risk for severe and costly complications, including heart and kidney disease, blindness and amputation.

Urge your Members of Congress not to cut funding for the Medicaid and Medicare programs millions depend on.

While the American Diabetes Association recognizes the difficult financial situation facing our country, the diabetes epidemic is increasing – and access to health coverage is more important than ever in order to promote successful disease management.

Congress should support cost-cutting proposals that focus on improving care coordination and reducing the incidence of diabetes and other chronic diseases, not worsening the diabetes epidemic.

Please join us in urging your Members of Congress to oppose drastic cuts or restructuring of Medicaid and Medicare, which provide important health coverage to millions of people with diabetes.

Then please spread the word about this urgent effort – Congress is expected to reach a decision on debt reduction any day now.

Thank you for all you do to Stop Diabetes®! For now, please tell Congress not to hurt Medicare and Medicaid.


John Griffin Jr.   

John Griffin Jr.
John Griffin, Jr.
Chair of the Board, American Diabetes Association

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