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Matching Gifts can be a great way to double or even triple your funds raised and will help the American Diabetes Association Stop Diabetes! Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions made by their employees. Your company may match your donation as well as donations made by your co-workers if they also apply for matching gifts. Some companies even match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses! Don't forget to encourage your donors to ask their companies about matching gifts, too!
STEP 1 | Contact your Human Resources or Benefits Department to find out if your company has a Matching Gift Program or use our matching gift search. | |
STEP 2 | Learn how your company's Matching Gift Program works. Do they match gifts made to health organizations? Does your company require a minimum donation amount? Will they match 1:1? Or even 1:2? You can turn a $25 donation into $50! Or $50 into $150! | |
STEP 3 | Find out how your company wants you to submit your matching gift. Companies have various methods by which you can submit your matching gift request: online forms, automated phone systems, or a paper form that you submit to the American Diabetes Association when you turn in your donations. | |
STEP 4 | Fill out your matching gift application and/or print out your online verification page and give it to us! Turn in the form at the same time you mail in or turn in your donations on Walk Day so your matching gift(s) can be easily tracked. |